Neurophenomenology & Sacred Architecture
Toward an Experimental Theological Aesthetics

March 23-25, 2023 — Hosted by the School of Architecture and Planning of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

This Interdisciplinary Symposium is made possible by grants from the Templeton Religion Trust (TRT) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


We would like to thank the Templeton Religion Trust for supporting the pursuit of two related research projects investigating causes and effects of sacred vs. secular architecture on Catholic Believers. For information about these two ongoing studies, visit

For more information on the TEMPLETON RELIGION TRUST, click here:

For more information about the ART SEEKING UNDERSTANDING program, click here.

We want to recognize all the symposium speakers. We were able to provide only minimal support and yet all of them joyfully accepted to come to Washington, D.C., (some from another continent) to participate in this event. Without them, none of this would have been possible. THANK YOU!

We also need to express ourgratitude to staff members of our School of Architecture and Planning for their help in planning, securing, and running this symposium, namely Paula Riff, Lorenzo DeAlmeida, and Christian Moraless. Thanks also go to Dean Mark Ferguson for supporting this effort and to the school faculty and students for allowing us to use much of the building for the duration of the symposium.